You only turn 40 once…

What a Summer its been… and What a week of my 4oth Birthday… I am a person that embraces their age.. have never been afraid of getting old. Welcome 40! Had the biggest Fiesta with Family and some close friends.. Tacos, Adult Pinata, music and so much fun.. Everyone had to get a picture with the sombrero when they arrived…

So Much fun.. Feeling the luckiest Girl in the world… Thank you Family and Friends…xoxo

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5 Responses to “You only turn 40 once…”

  1. alicemdr Says:

    Happy Birthday! So colorful and it looked like fun all around!

  2. Whosyergurl Says:

    Love the photos! How fun!
    You aren’t getting older, you are getting better!
    On my 40th, I went to North Carolina to have shrimp and grits with one of my dearest friends. On my 50th I hiked the Grand Canyon. 7 hours down and 8 hours out on my birthday. I thought “bummer, I am 50…” but then I thought “I am 50, but I am amazing!”
    this Oct I will be 52 and I am doing boot camp and have been doing no sugar, no flour and I’ve lost 32 lbs! So, this year, I’ll be 52 & Fabulous!
    EMBRACE life!
    love, Cheryl

  3. KJ Says:

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! I’m 52. It just gets better!

    It looks like you had a super celebration!


  4. Mila Says:

    Congratulations to your 4oth! You look have a happy life and family! Thanks to share your art with us!

    mila spigolon

  5. Kelly Deal Says:

    Happy belated 40th! I have 2 years to go and I still don’t know what I think about turning 40.

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